MD Anderson Employees can download approved software, including EndNote, directly to their work computer.
- Click the Windows icon (Windows 10) or Start button (Windows 7) located in the lower left-hand corner of the screen
- Scroll down the navigation pane and click on "Microsoft Endpoint Manager
- Click on "Software Center"
- Use search box to find EndNote
- Select latest version of EndNote and click on Install button
- Click on "Self-service" icon
- Search for Endnote
- Select latest version of EndNote and click on Install button
If you experience problems with this process, please contact 4INFO at or 713-794-4636.
Want to install/use EndNote on your personal computer or laptop?
- Register for a free EndNote Online Account (a web based version of EndNote that is accessible anywhere)
- Purchase EndNote (and other software) with MD Anderson employee discount (requires proof of employment)