EndNote can check to see if there is updated information about a reference in your library and update the fields for you. This is especially useful if you want to check if one of your references has had a PMCID assigned to it.
1. Select one or more references in your library, then click References > Find Reference Updates from the References menu.
2. EndNote will check for reference updates in PubMed and Web of Science. If it finds changes, a new box will open highlighting available changes. Choose whether you would like EndNote to Update All FIelds (overwrite all of the fields in your existing reference) or Update Empty Fields (fill in the empty fields). Click Save Updates to finish the process. If you don't want to update a suggested field, you can click Skip.
Learn more about EndNote from our EndNote Online Guide.
It would be of tremendous help for all your researcher users when it was possible to select "accept all changes" in advance so that one could update a whole library without having to accept every reference every other minute. This takes hours when the library is huge. Thanks!