Answered By: David Farris
Last Updated: Jun 07, 2024     Views: 10100

There are several databases authors can use to find their citation count:

  • Scopus - Use the author search to search author last name, first name and affiliation. Select your author profile to view the citation count and h-index. More info here.
  • Pure (MD Anderson Faculty and Fellows listed) - Select profiles to view specific MD Anderson author profiles which include a publication list, citation count and h-index.
  • Web of Science - Use the Author Search to search for the authors last name and first initial(s). You can also narrow by Organization. Create Citation Report to view a citation count and h-index. 

Please note that no single database will include every citation. Both Scopus and Web of Science are trustworthy sources; however, the citation count in Web of Science may be different from Scopus due to some unique journal titles indexed in each database.

Pure imports information directly from Scopus, so it will have the same citation count, but the site offers additional information, including Altmetric Scores.

Google Scholar also allows you to search for an article, and will then give a "cited by" link with the number of times that article has been cited.  However, since not all journal content is freely available on the web, this list may not be complete.

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