Answered By: Clara Fowler
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2024     Views: 122690

Impact factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within the last few years. The higher the impact factor, the more highly ranked the journal. It is one tool you can use to compare journals in a subject category. 

Impact Factors for scientific journals can be found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database, which is available from the Research Medical Library.  You can view all journals at once, search for a specific journal title or choose a group of journals by subject area. Sort journal lists by impact factor by selecting Journal Impact Factor above your search results. 

Please note that Journal Impact Factors are released annually around the month of July. The 2023 release of Journal Citation Reports extends the Journal Impact Factor to all 21,522 Web of Science Core Collection™ journals, including those indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI) for the first time. Those journals meet rigorous selection criteria for Web of Science Core Collection inclusion. See JCR 2023 Statistics. 


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