The most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) is the 7th edition, published in October 2019. More information about using the APA 7th style can be found on the APA Style and Grammar Guidelines website. You can also download and select the APA 7th output style if you are using EndNote software to generate your citations.
Here are some notable changes:
APA 6th
APA 7th
The first in-text citation includes up to five authors and subsequently list first author then et al.
All in-text citations with 3 or more authors are formatted with the first author's surname followed by et al.
The reference section lists up to seven authors of a single work
The reference section lists up to 20 authors for a single work
References for books include the publisher’s location.
Publisher’s location is no longer included, only the publisher’s name.
Pronouns should match the number of the noun they replace.
Use of singular “they” is endorsed.
The running head for the title page is different from the running head for subsequent pages
Running head rules are simplified, and running heads are not required for student papers.
For DOIs, the label is used (DOI: xxx). |
DOIs are formatted as URLs ( |
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