Answered By: Laurissa Gann
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2024     Views: 4543

Watch a short video "Adding the Journal Terms List to Your Endnote Library"

Author guidelines often require a specific abbreviation when it comes to citing a journal name in your bibliography. To correct your journal names in EndNote, you will need to import a journal term list. This is an extensive list of journal names which includes the full journal name, abbreviated journal name without periods, and abbreviated journal name with periods. The journal term list allows EndNote to automatically convert from full titles to abbreviated titles and vice versa.

For medical library users, we recommend that any time you create a new EndNote Library, you install the medical journal term list as follows:

  1. In EndNote, go to Edit > Preferences > Term Lists. Uncheck the box that says "Update lists during data entry" and click "OK".
  2. Go to Tools > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List.  Under the "Terms" tab, select the entire list (you can click on one line and then use the Ctrl-A shortcut to select everything) and click "Delete Terms".
  3. Under the "Lists" tab, select "Journals" and click "Import List".  You will need to navigate to where the file is stored on your computer:   Local Disk (C:) > Program Files > EndNote X9 > Term Lists > Medical.txt.   Select this file and click "Open," and the list of journals titles and abbreviations will automatically import.

NOTE:  If you have more than one EndNote Library, you must do this procedure separately for each library.

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