Answered By: Laurissa Gann
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2024     Views: 45789

The phrase "traveling library" refers to EndNote citations that have been embedded in a Microsoft Word document.

If someone e-mails you a Word document that has been created with EndNote citations, but does not e-mail you the EndNote library itself, you can export the "traveling library" from Word into a new or existing EndNote library on your own computer by following these steps:

In the Word document, go to the EndNote tab, click on "Export to EndNote," and choose "Export traveling library." You will be given the opportunity to choose an existing library (click "Browse" to find it) or to create a new library.  All of the EndNote citations from the Word document will now be entered as separate citations in the EndNote library that you chose.

Please note that this will only work if the Word document citations were created using EndNote, and the EndNote coding still remains in the document (i.e. it wasn't converted to a plain text document before you received it).



Comments (2)

  1. It is very helpful.. Thank you.
    by Masood on Jun 23, 2016
  2. Managed to recover my lost library, thank you so much. This is very helpful
    by tasneem on Dec 02, 2021

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