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EndNote uses Instant Formatting to format in-text citations and corresponding references according to the style rules of the output style the user has selected. By default, Instant Formatting is enabled. However, users can disable Instant Formatting to write more efficiently.
When Instant Formatting is enabled, users cannot edit in-text citations and references using backspace and delete keys or cut and paste commands. This can affect numbering, cause errors, and corrupt a document. When Instant Formatting is disabled, users can use the backspace and delete keys or cut and paste commands without risks.
Users can still insert EndNote citations with Instant Formatting disabled. EndNote will treat them as temporary citations and they will appear in this format: {author's last name, publication year, EndNote reference number}. When the writing process is complete, Instant Formatting can be enabled and the temporary citations will be formatted according to the style rules of the output style the user has selected. The formatted bibliography will also appear.
Disable Instant Formatting
If you insert citations before disabling Instant Formatting, click on Convert Citations and Bibliography and select Convert to Unformatted Citations
Enable Instant Formatting
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