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What is iThenticate?
iThenticate ( is used by publishers and funding agencies to check for plagiarism and ensure the originality of work before publication. The Research Medical Library licensed iThenticate so that you can test your manuscripts and grant applications prior to submission to detect any potential problems. After uploading your document, iThenticate will compare the text to 40+ million published research articles and 50+ billion web pages. A similarity report is generated that will highlight all text that matches other sources.
How do I get an account?
iThenticate is available to the faculty, staff and students of MD Anderson Cancer Center. You must have an account to use iThenticate. Email and we will contact you with the account information.
Can I use iThenticate to upload an article I'm peer reviewing?
Please contact the journal first before uploading a manuscript that you are peer reviewing. While iThenticate is a private tool—documents are uploaded into your individual account, not saved on a server, and can be deleted at any time—it is best to follow the journal’s policies.
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