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MD Anderson faculty and staff can also request a one-on-one consultation with a librarian or scientific editor.
Log in to the Library's remote access system using your MyID account.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributer ID) is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars. Anyone can sign up for a free account and receive their unique 16-digit identifier in minutes.
Create your ORCiD profile
Add Your Publications to ORCiD
Grant Permission to Others to Update Your ORCiD
We know that faculty have many teaching, research, and clinical responsibilities and may not have time to keep their ORCID record up to date. You can grant permission to colleagues that may be helping you keep your research profiles up to date (e.g. Support Staff, Departmental administrators).
Please review the instructions on how to add a trusted individual to update your account on your behalf.
How to Use Your ORCID
Once you have an ORCID iD, be sure to let everyone know about it! Include your 16 digit ORCID in these ways:
ORCID recommends that you display your ORCID iD as a URL, e.g.:
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